Sprague Library
1 Normal Ave
Montclair, New Jersey 07043
Bloomfield College Library
74 Oakland Ave
Bloomfield, NJ 07003
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Map and Directions
Harry A. Sprague Library
For more information including parking information, please see the interactive campus map or visit Campus Directions.
Bloomfield College Library
For more information, including parking information, please see the campus map or visit Parking Services.
Contact Emails
Sprague Library
- Access Services
- circreserves@domains2book.com
- Building Services
- hendersonja@domains2book.com
- Cataloging
- cmas@domains2book.com
- Collections
- libacq@domains2book.com
- Government Documents
- govdocs@domains2book.com
- Interlibrary Services
- ill@domains2book.com
- Periodicals
- periodicals@domains2book.com
- Reference
- askref@domains2book.com
Bloomfield College Library
- Mark Jackson
- jacksonm@domains2book.com
Contact Phone Numbers
Sprague Library
- Access Services
- 973-655-4288
- Building Services
- 551-795-3691
- Cataloging
- 973-655-4195
- Collections
- 973-655-4191
- Dean’s Office
- 973-655-4302
- Electronic Resources and Periodicals
- 973-655-4398
- Gov. Docs
- 973-655-7145
- Interlibrary Services
- 973-655-7150
- Laptop Lending
- 973-655-7258
- Office for Faculty Excellence (OFE)
- 973-655-3276
- Center for Academic Success & Tutoring (CAST)
- 973-655-5425
Bloomfield College Library
- Front Desk
- 973-655-2945
Staff Directory
Sprague Library
Office of the Dean
Name | Title | Phone | |
Denise O'Shea | Interim Dean of University Libraries | 973-655-4302 | oshead@domains2book.com |
Kristin Calvert | Associate Dean for Administration | 973-655-4233 | calvertk@domains2book.com |
Valentina Cucuzza | Executive Assistant to the Dean | 973-655-4302 | cucuzzav@domains2book.com |
Anthony Florio | Budget and Finance Coordinator | 973-655-4301 | florioa@domains2book.com |
Kevin Handeli | Web Services and Systems Specialist | 973-655-4311 | handelik@domains2book.com |
Jarreau Henderson | Building Services Manager | 973-655-4273 | hendersonja@domains2book.com |
Siobhan McCarthy | Scholarly Communication Librarian | 973-655-7146 | mccarthys@domains2book.com |
Access Services and Resource Sharing
Name | Title | Phone | |
Lillian Allen | Principal Library Assistant | 973-655-4288 | allenl@domains2book.com |
Ithamar Cedano | Senior Library Assistant | 973-655-4288 | cedanoi@domains2book.com |
Manja Husnic | Library Assistant | 973-655-4288 | husnicm@domains2book.com |
Urooj Khan | Resource Sharing Coordinator | 973-655-7150 | khanu@domains2book.com |
Lori Petrozzello | Front Desk Supervisor, Access Services | 973-655-5388 | petrozzellol@domains2book.com |
Eric Samuelson | Principal Library Assistant | 973-655-4288 | samuelsone@domains2book.com |
Justin Savage | Interim Head for Access Services & Resource Sharing | 973-655-7142 | savagej@domains2book.com |
Paul Stec | Principal Library Assistant | 973-655-4288 | stecp@domains2book.com |
Eliza White | Senior Library Assistant (Resource Sharing) | 973-655-4288 | whiteel@domains2book.com |
Cataloging, Metadata and Archive Services
Name | Title | Phone | |
Michelle Echols | Cataloging Librarian | 973-655-4422 | echolsm@domains2book.com |
Mandalee MacGregor | Senior Library Assistant | 973-655-4195 | macgregorm@domains2book.com |
Paul Martinez | Librarian I/Associate Professor | 973-655-3465 | martinezp@domains2book.com |
Cristina Molinari | Technical Library Assistant | 973-655-4195 | molinaric@domains2book.com |
Catherine Oliver | Head for Cataloging, Metadata and Archive Services | 973-655-7077 | olivercat@domains2book.com |
Lisa Pendola | Secretarial Assistant I/Non-Steno | 973-655-4195 | pendolal@domains2book.com |
Collection Development and Acquisitions
Name | Title | Phone | |
Drita Haxhiu | Principal Library Assistant | 973-655-4193 | haxhiud@domains2book.com |
Brian Mccullough | Principal Library Assistant | 973-655-4191 | mcculloughb@domains2book.com |
Nancy Zajac | Technical Library Assistant | 973-655-4191 | zajacn@domains2book.com |
Electronic Resources and Periodicals
Name | Title | Phone | |
Steven Shapiro | Electronic Resources Librarian | 973-655-7153 | shapiros@domains2book.com |
Renu Sharma | Electronic Resources and Periodicals Assistant | 973-655-4374 | sharmar@domains2book.com |
Research and Reference Services Department
Bloomfield College Library
Name | Title | Phone | |
Mark Jackson | Associate Professor/Reference Librarian | 973-655-2946 | jacksonm@domains2book.com |
Tosheka Escoffery | Library Assistant | escofferyt@domains2book.com | |
Cynthia Walker | Principal Library Assistant | 973-655-2951 | walkercy@domains2book.com |